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Kozy Gamesのチャンネル概要
AFKジャーニー、ヒーローウォーズ(Hero Wars)を中心に頻繁にゲーム解説配信します!たまに面白そうな海外ゲームも紹介!
Welcome to [Kozy Games] YouTube channel! Here, you'll find comprehensive guides, strategies, and tips to help you master the game. Whether you're a beginner looking to understand the basics or a seasoned player aiming to perfect your skills, our videos cover everything you need to know about AFK Journey & Hero Wars. From hero rankings and team compositions to event updates and gameplay walkthroughs, we've got you covered. Subscribe now and join our community to stay ahead in Hero Wars!
【ゲーム解説 Kozy Games】
【ドル払い副業サイト攻略法 Kozy Voice】
Kozy Gamesの新着動画
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