Channel Infomationチャンネル情報

PassCode Official


チャンネル開設日 2013-05-16 03:24:59


  • チャンネル登録者数 13万1000人 (週間 ±0人)
  • 動画再生回数 6463万1146回 (週間 +74万2477回)
  • 投稿動画数 172本 (週間 ±0本)

データ取得日時:2025-03-16 07:56:16

PassCode Officialのチャンネル概要

PassCode Official YouTube Channel.

PassCode is a Japanese idol group formed in 2014 in Osaka. The concept of the group is mix of the loud rock and idol genre.Their sound is mix of loud rock, progressive rock, based original band sound. Songs featuring members’ shout scream are one of the characteristics of the group.Their live is described as a roller coaster live because of non-stop performance. Shout scream, and performance of PassCode has attracted variety of audiences, not only rock fans but also idol fans.

for more information,

PassCode Officialの新着動画


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