Channel Infomationチャンネル情報

玉置浩二 Koji Tamaki Official


チャンネル開設日 2020-03-13 15:06:35


  • チャンネル登録者数 3万7000人 (週間 -100人)
  • 動画再生回数 7495万460回 (週間 +39万2862回)
  • 投稿動画数 5本 (週間 ±0本)

データ取得日時:2025-03-15 07:55:18

玉置浩二 Koji Tamaki Officialのチャンネル概要

Koji Tamaki Official YouTube Channel

Born 1958, Koji Tamaki is a singer songwriter from Asahikawa, Hokkaido in northern Japan. He made his major label debut in 1982 with band Anzen Chitai.
The band's tunes such as "ワインレッドの心/Wine Red no Kokoro," "恋の予感/Koi no Yokan," and "悲しみにさよなら/Kanashimi ni Sayonara" took the 80s music scene by storm.
He has since started writing lyrics as a solo artist, creating many hit masterpieces including "田園/Denen" and "メロディ/Melody."
Songs by Anzen Chitai and Koji Tamaki have been done as covers by multiple artists in Hong Kong and other countries in East Asia, and are well loved buy artists and audiences alike in the region.

玉置浩二 Koji Tamaki Officialの新着動画


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