Channel Infomationチャンネル情報

Jewel (J☆Dee’Z) Official YouTube Channel


チャンネル開設日 2014-08-27 20:01:59


  • チャンネル登録者数 2万9300人
  • 動画再生回数 1126万9699回
  • 投稿動画数 86本

データ取得日時:2025-02-26 15:55:29

Jewel (J☆Dee’Z) Official YouTube Channelのチャンネル概要

そのエモーショナルなパフォーマンスと、メッセージ性の強い楽曲が話題を呼び、数々の高校野球中継テーマソングやバスケットボールリーグ女子日本リーグ ”Wリーグ”の公式応援アーティストを三年連続で務める等、今、各界隈から高い注目を集めている3人組。

Jewel is a vocal and dance group consisting of 3 members with the average age of 19. They stick to the style of performing completely live, aiming to be a world-renowned artist. Their emotional, high-level performance with strongly messaged lyrics have gathered attention from the public, which led to their songs being adopted as the theme song for the Japanese high-school baseball tournament broadcasting. In addition the group itself was appointed as the “WJBL” official supporting artist as well. They are on the fast track gaining great attention from various fields.

Jewel (J☆Dee’Z) Official YouTube Channelの新着動画


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