Channel Infomationチャンネル情報

[公式]神奈川フィル - チャンネル Kanagawa Philharmonic Orchestra


チャンネル開設日 2011-11-07 18:42:49


  • チャンネル登録者数 1万5700人 (週間 +100人)
  • 動画再生回数 277万6291回 (週間 +2万8592回)
  • 投稿動画数 133本 (週間 +1本)

データ取得日時:2025-03-15 07:55:35

[公式]神奈川フィル - チャンネル Kanagawa Philharmonic Orchestraのチャンネル概要


Kanagawa Philharmonic Orchestra (Est.1970)
In 1978 it was authorized as an incorporated foundation and 2014 as a public Interest Incorporated Foundation by the prefectural government.With their mission to active music culture in Kanagawa and Yokohama, the orchestra has been actively performing within the prefecture.
In addition to numerous special concerts in various venues in Kanagawa, performances for ballets, operas, recordings, enthusiastic activity for schoolkids are also highly valued by audiences as to engage next generation to the attraction of music.

[公式]神奈川フィル - チャンネル Kanagawa Philharmonic Orchestraの新着動画


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