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MORISAKI WIN / 森崎ウィン Officialのチャンネル概要
A world-class entertainer from Asia.
Born and raised in Myanmar, came to Japan when he was in the 4th grade of elementary school, was scouted when he was in the 2nd grade of junior high school, and started his entertainment career.
He was selected as a main cast member in Steven Spielberg's film "Ready Player 1" released in 2018, making his Hollywood debut.
In 2020, he made his major debut with "Parade" on July 1st as "MORISAKI WIN", an entertainer from Asia to the world. He has been actively engaged in music activities with an eye on overseas markets, such as live streaming to the whole world.
On May 26, he released his first album "Flight", which ranked No. 1 on 5 major music streaming services in Japan.
2020年、アジアから世界に発信するエンターテイナー“MORISAKI WIN”として「パレード - PARADE」でメジャーデビュー。全世界に向けた配信ライブなど海外を視野にした音楽活動を積極的に実施。
「パレード - PARADE」はスズキソリオバンディットCMソングに起用され、音楽配信チャート1位を獲得。1stアルバム「Flight」は、5つの音楽配信サービスで1位を獲得。
MORISAKI WIN / 森崎ウィン Officialの新着動画
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