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ASCA Official YouTube Channelのチャンネル概要
ASCA Official YouTube Channel
ASCA is a singer & song writer from Japan. her music has been featured in numerous anime.
First single, “Koe” can be heard as the second end theme song for Netflix’s Fate/Apocrypha. “RESISTER” was the opening theme for Season 2 of “Sword Art Online Alicization”. Her music can also be heard in the VR Game Tokyo Chronos, the end theme to The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II, the opening theme of the game Sword Art Online: Alicization Rising Steel, the opening themes to Darwin’s Game, White Cat Project: Zero Chronicle and Season 2 of The Irregular at Magic High School.
▶More Information
[English] https://www.asca-official.com/info/archive/?537604
[繁体字] https://www.asca-official.com/info/archive/?537621
[簡体字] https://www.asca-official.com/info/archive/?537622
[Indonesia] https://www.asca-official.com/info/archive/?537623
[Deutsch] http://www.asca-official.com/info/archive/?540032
ASCA Official YouTube Channelの新着動画
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