Channel Infomationチャンネル情報
tchiks guitarsのチャンネル概要
Hi there, welcome to my channel.
I'm a 34 year old self taught amateur woodworker from Brussels, Belgium.
I started woodworking in June 2017, and made my first guitar in September 2019.
My day job has nothing to do with woodworking, or making guitars, or anything artistic really.
My grandpa was a cabinet maker and woodworking teacher and my dad works in the construction... but that's about it, I've never touched a woodworking tool before the age of 31, and I hope that knowing that will inspire you to try new things!
I learned woodworking by watching youtube videos, and reading a few books, but mostly by practicing, experimenting, and solving problems.
This channel is meant to be a contribution to the youtube woodworking community, without which I wouldn't be making anything at all.
If you like my builds, follow me on https://www.instagram.com/tchiksguitars
PS: I don't sell anything, even though I find your offers very flattering :)
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